On June 12th we cooked for the Chicken, Rods & Ribs Car Show in Norfolk Ne. The day started out a bit cool and damp with light rain early in the morning, but turned out beautiful. We served Riblets, Chicken Legs and Polish Sausage on a stick.
The Riblets were smoked for 2 - 2 1/2 hours then finished on the grill. Sauced served on the side. We sold 70 pounds of Riblets by 4 pm in the afternoon. Always a good seller and quite tasty if i do say so myself.
We loaded up the new grill for a test run with about 30 Chicken Legs to start out. Seasoned with our poultry rub consisting of; lemon pepper, dill, oregano, parsley, salt & pepper with other spices makes for a tasty grilled Chicken Leg. We sold about 150 of these tasty little gambs! People really seem to like grilled Chicken Legs, it always amazes me how well they sell.
Grill getting hotter, cranking out more of those Legs. A few Rods in the background.
More cars filling up main street. People starting to show up & look at all the cars.
Over to the south of us in a parking lot they also had a BBQ Cook Off with live music & smokers roll`n out that sweet smell of bar-b-que`d ribs & chicken, but if ya wanted some ya had to come over & visit us venders. The other venders were selling snow cones, ribs, chicken, turkey legs, pulled pork, brats, burgers, hot dogs, funnels cakes and all kinds of other good munchies. The smell of the food alone was enough for us to sell out.
Folks were havin` a good time walking and talking listening to the music and eating some good Bar-B-Que. The car show ran from 12 noon till 5 in the afternoon and let me tell ya we was busy cooking up "Real Bar-B-Que" from the smoker & grilling chicken & polish sausage over a live fire.
My view from behind the smoker for most of the day.... My kind of fun!
Any day that i can spend outside cooking bar-b-que is a great day for me.
We are starting to get a loyal following & our customers are important to us if you happened to stop by our tent...
We Thank You for your patronage!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our latest "Bar-B-Que Adventure"!