An Egg Fest is a venue for Big Green Egg enthusiasts to showcase their talents on the Big Green Egg barbecue. It is also an opportunity for those who have been contemplating a Big Green Egg to sample the foods and talk to other egg enthusiasts. In other words the Egg Fest is a good excuse to get a bunch of people together and make some great food.
Cooks came from all over the Norfolk area. One group camped next to us came from Missouri and another group from Iowa came to showcase their talents. You may be wondering if you need to own a Big Green Egg to be a cook, and the answer is no. There where demo Eggs available for people who wanted to take an Egg for a test run.
Along with cooking good food with some great people there was a competition for the most unusual thing cook on a Egg. At days end there was also an "Iron Man" competition with a secret ingredient handed out to each Egg cook who wanted to participate in this leg of the competition. This years secret ingredient was a nice pork chop provided by Kuper Farms Country Market.
Here was our set-up with kids & grand kids enjoying a beautiful spring day. The neighbors to the right of us from Missouri won the Iron Man competition with there turn-in of a stuffed pork chop. We were neighbors last year also, nice group of people. Good to see them again.
Agenda for the day.
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Arrive & setup
9:00 a.m. Lighting of the Eggs
9:15 a.m. Big Green Egg 101 Class
10:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Cooking, eating & sharing
1:00 p.m. Rib Class
2:00 p.m. Pork Shoulder Class
2:30 p.m. Most Unusual food off an Egg turn in
3:00 p.m. Hand Out "Secret Ingredient" for Iron Chef Competition
4:00 p.m. Iron Chef Turn In
5:00 p.m. Awards
Our local Egg Representative was on hand to help with the days event and to sample some of our pulled pork sammies.(ha) He also instructed the BGE 101 class that helped the new Egghead owners with any questions or instruction on how to cook on there new Egg.
Our youngest Granddaughter Savanna Grace was there checking up on Grandpa too! "Whats cookin` Paw Paw" ?
I don't know how "unusual" our turn in was for that section of the cook off but i have never heard of "Mini Bar-B-Que Cups". So here we are preparing these for the dead line. What you do is slice a ring of Kielbasa into 1/2 inch thick slices for the base, wrap a half strip of bacon around the Kielbasa. Cook about an hour at 250 degrees to crisp up the bacon & then add 1/2 teaspoon of beans, a drizzle of honey, a pinch of dry rub and cook for an addition 1/2 hour.
Once your cups are cooked and the bacon is some what crispy. Remove from the Egg and allow to cool for a few minutes. Right before serving top with your favorite Cole Slaw. What a nice appetizer these are! Sausage, bacon, beans & cole slaw! All my BBQ favorites.
We sure had a fun day... spent some time with the family, met some new & old friends and ate a bunch of good barbecue too! Even though we didn't win any competition categories i did manage win a nice hat in one of the drawings & we took 2nd place with our entry of Mini Barbque Cups. I guess i`m an official "Egghead" now... I have the hat to prove it!
Big thanks goes out to Doug & Laurel of Smokn` Buddies Grills & Gear for inviting us and for putting on such a great day of barbque, music, friends and more!

Thanks for checking up on my latest Bar-B-Que Adventure! Fire up those smokers and grills Bar-B-Que season is on!