Having never smoked or grilled Wild Duck... Mallard`s that my nephew shot & was so nice as to give us, i decided to do plenty of research as to how to cook these fine birds. After reading pages & pages on the internet & searching for recipes in the BBQ cook books i own, i came to conclusion that like many bar-b-que`d meats there is more than one way to cook them.
Grilled or smoked breast meat only, cook them whole either in the oven, smoker or grill. Marinated and or brined & roasted on rotisserie, fried duck breast or whole duck it seems the choices are endless. So i finally decided to try them my way. I decided to smoke them whole with cherry wood in my Medium Big Green Egg.
One i marinated in a Peach Mango marinade and the other in a Wasabi Ginger marinade. I removed the ducks from there marinade and seasoned the juice marinaded one with Cavender`s Greek Seasoning which i really like on poultry. The other Duck that was marinaded in the Wasabi Ginger was re-seasoned with a little salt & pepper.
Temperature adjusted to 250 & stable about half way cooked in this picture. They smelled awesome & starting to look good. I decided to follow one of my cook book`s that stated to finish them to 165 degree`s internal temp.
After about two and a half hours @ 250 degree`s they reached 160 internal so i unloaded the duck`s and wrapped in foil to climb the last 5 degrees covered & resting on the counter top. This is what we have...
While the ducks were resting for 20 -30 minutes i prepared a nice wild rice to go with the meal also some nice fresh rolls with plenty of butter. Let me tell ya they were both just great, nice smokey flavor, juicy and tender with a hint of the marinade for added flavor.
Sorry... they were so dang good they didn't sit still long enough for plated pictures, but thanks for checking up on what Whyldfire Bar-b-que is doing at home!
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